Blessed Thistle
Digestion: Blessed thistle contains cnicin, a chemical compound that stimulates digestive activity by increasing saliva and gastric juice production. This may help with indigestion, heartburn, and low stomach acidity.
Breast milk production: Blessed thistle is commonly used as a galactagogue, which is a food, herb, or medication that increases breast milk production. However, there haven't been enough high-quality clinical trials to understand how well it works.
Expectorant: Blessed thistle is believed to be an expectorant, which means it thins out mucus and makes it easier to remove from the body by coughing.
Infections: Blessed thistle contains tannins, which might help with infections.
Wounds: Blessed thistle might help with wounds.
Diarrhea: Blessed thistle might help with diarrhea.
Cough: Blessed thistle might help with cough.
Boils: Blessed thistle might help with boils.
Urine flow: Blessed thistle might help promote urine flow.